#1. Are the TMR journals peer-reviewed?
All articles published in TMR journals are peer-reviewed.

#2. How long it takes to peer review a manuscript?
We aim to provide a service that is faster than traditional journals, without compromising the quality of the peer review process. Most manuscript goes through the peer review process in 3-4 weeks. Even there is facility of fast track peer review which is complete within a week.

#3. When should I submit my papers? Are there any deadlines?
You can submit your manuscript anytime. Your papers will be published in the upcoming issue once the papers are accepted and passed the peer-reviewing process.

#4. Does TMR provide a template for preparing a manuscript?
Yes, for your convenience TMR has developed a template to help you prepare your manuscript.

#5. How can I find out about the status of my journal manuscript?
For all of our journals the corresponding author can track the article online. Log in to your personal account to start tracking your articles.

#6. What type of file format do you accept?
You can submit the manuscript in Microsoft Word 2003 or higher.

#7. Is there any concession in fee for students?
TMR charges publication fee to bear the maintenance cost. This should not come in the way of good research work. Keeping this in mind TMR offers the following concession to students and other needy authors.

    Student: Students are given a concession of 25%.
    Others: In other cases fee waiver is granted depending on the quality of paper and after reviewing the resumes. Fee waiver can be granted after author writes an application stating a genuine reason why waiver is needed. Then council will review the request and take decisions of how much waiver to be granted accordingly.