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TMR is a member of prestigious CrossRef. Each of the TMR articles has its unique DOI reference Read More
The journals of Techmind Research are registered with CrossRef:
CrossRef is the official DOI registration agency for scholarly and professional publications, including journals, books, and other content types. CrossRef provides primary publishers with the organizational and technological backbone to facilitate linking by associating DOIs with publisher metadata. There is no centralized repository of abstracts or full text involved. Membership is open to publishers in all content areas.
The DOI, or digital object identifier, serves as a persistent, actionable identifier for intellectual property online. DOIs can be assigned at any level of granularity, and therefore provide publishers with an extensible platform for a variety of applications.
CrossRef is the only DOI registration agency with a cross-publisher linking network. With your publications registered in the CrossRef database, over 4500 participating organizations – other publishers, A&I databases, aggregators, and libraries – will be able to link automatically to your content.