Investment Banking as a Subject of Study


  • Anil Krishna Paul Magadh University , Budh Gaya, BIHAR, INDIA
  • Chitranjan Ojha
  • Pawan Kumar


Merchant Banking, Investment Banking, American Investment Bank, European Investment Bank, Firewalls, Wealth Management ,Investment Advisory


Investment  Banking is an American synonym of Merchant  Banking .  Merchant  Banking  originated in the 13th century in the European countries . As   far  as the origin of this term  is concerned , it is told that earlier  Merchants used to attend to extending of loans and   arranging finance for trade  but as the time passed the subject  of banking  assumed more importance and  the Merchants switched over to banking activities ,hence the term Merchant Banking .Rapid industrialization in India has  led to the setting up of new industrial units and Expansion ,Diversification , and Modernization of existing units ..The need for having expert advice and the guidance of Specialists in the field has therefore become Imperative .Only Merchant Banking can offer these services .In   India ,Investment Bbankers are often called Merchant Bankers .Merchant Banking is a Non-Banking Financial activity similar to banking .Merchant Banks are neither Merchants nor are they necessarily Banks. These are Financial  Institutions providing valuable services like acceptance of bills of exchange, corporate finance ,Portfolio Management and Banking services .According to J.A.P Herbert king ,”Merchant “Banking is what Merchant   do .”M.J.Rosenberg has defined Merchant Bank ,as “an organization that underwrites securities for corporations ,advices such  clients on Mergers ,and is involved in the ownership  of commercial ventures” .E.Reid in his presidential address to Institute of Bankers  in London stated that “these organizations are sometimes Banks which are not Merchants ,and sometimes Merchants who are not Banks and sometimes houses which are neither Merchants nor Banks .The notification of the Ministry of Finance ,India defines a Merchant as ,”any person who is engaged in the business of Issue Management either by making arrangements  regarding selling ,buying or  subscribing to the securities as Manager ,Consultant Adviser ;or one rendering Corporate Advisory services  in relation to such activities in the management  “.Investment Bankers may gradually replace Merchant Bankers  in India. With Merchant Banks / Issuing Houses in the UK already converting to Investment Banks ,or at least performing some of their functions, India would not be far behind.   Merchant Banking in India is non- fund -based  except Underwriting .Investment Banking is both fee and fund –based .Investment Bankers commit their own funds .


Pratap G. subramanyam (2008): Investment Banking – concepts ,Analyses and cases

L.M.Bhole (2011) :Financial Institutions and Markets –Structure, Growth ,and Innovations

H.R.Machiraju (2011):Merchant Banking

Bharati V.Pathak (2013) :The Indian Financial System –Markets, Institutions and services

HR Machiraju (2013) : Indian Financial system

Nalini Prava Tripathy (2011):Financial Services

Pratap G Subramanyam (2007): Investment Banking –An Odyssey in High Finance

Brian scott-Quinn : Investment Banking Theory and Practice, Euromoney books

John F.Marshalland M E Elhis: Investment Banking and Brokerage Probus Publishing

Charles R. Geisst :Investment Banking in the Financial System – Prentice Hall

K. ThomasLiaw : The Business Of Investment Banking , John Wiley & Sons ,Inc

Steven I Davis : Investment Banking –Addressing the Management Issues , Palgrave Macmillan




How to Cite

Krishna Paul, A., Ojha, C., & Kumar, P. (2014). Investment Banking as a Subject of Study. International Journal of Management Excellence (ISSN: 2292-1648), 4(2), 511–514. Retrieved from