Political Skill and Public Leadership Trust


  • Wahid Hidayat Department of Public Administration W.R. Supratman University of Surabaya




Political Skill, Behavior Integrity, Public Leadership Trust


This study aims to examine the political skills of leaders on the integrity of the leader's behavior, and public trust. There are 340 respondents in big cities in East Java Province used as sample after going through the screening process. In particular, the results of this study found that the political skills of the leader affect trust, both political skills affect the integrity of behavior and finally the integrity of behavior affects the trust of the leader.


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How to Cite

Hidayat, W. (2021). Political Skill and Public Leadership Trust. International Journal of Management Excellence (ISSN: 2292-1648), 17(2), 2433–2440. https://doi.org/10.17722/ijme.v17i2.1278