Nonpositivism in Behavioral Accounting Research: Initiated a Collaboration of Paradigm


  • Theresia Woro Damayanti Damayanti Satya Wacana Christian University



Behavioral accounting research, Interpretivism paradigm, Positivism paradigm


The purpose of this article is to explain how a paradigm can affect research results and how a paradigm apparently is no longer relevant in answering a practiceespecially in behavioral accounting researchIn additionthis article also want to describe what is the appropriate paradigm for development associated with behavioral accounting researchThis article suggests that the failure of behavioral accounting research to narrow down between the research and practice of accounting due to the paradigm used in behavioral accounting researchBased on the characteristics of the behavioral accounting research interpretivism paradigm is more suitableHowever, between positivism and interpretivism paradigm has advantages and disadvantages of each, and therefore the collaboration between the two is necessary.


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How to Cite

Damayanti, T. W. D. (2014). Nonpositivism in Behavioral Accounting Research: Initiated a Collaboration of Paradigm. International Journal of Management Excellence (ISSN: 2292-1648), 3(1), 320–325.