The Connection between Self concept (Actual self Congruence & Ideal Self congruence) on Brand Preferences


  • Nischay Kumar Upamannyu Prestige Institute of Management, Gwalior
  • Garima Mathur
  • S.S Bhakar



Actual Self Congruen, Ideal self congruence, brand preference


Self concept has been a very important concept in consumer behavior and it gives the central idea to the Marketing people in the market place, Academician and business student to understand the bases to evaluate the self concept. The extensive previous research work gave very important conceptual answer to implement new marketing strategy. A different class of  customer can be shot in the marketplace. These are the customers who buy product while evaluating the product self-image, product/brand image and their congruity and then they set their minds to buy the products in the market. The purpose of the research is to explore the self concept dimensions to examine the self congruity relationship with brand preference. Relationships between constructs (actual self congruity, ideal self congruity and brand preference) were hypothesized and data were collected through survey Method. The perceptions of 400 respondents about their self congruity with brand preference were obtained for two types of product usage (‘Mobile phone’ as conspicuous and ‘Bathing soaps’ as inconspicuous) with Seven brands in each type. The moderating role of ‘type of product usage (Conspicuous and inconspicuous)’ was examined in the relationship between actual/ideal self congruity and brand preference.


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How to Cite

Upamannyu, N. K., Mathur, G., & Bhakar , S. (2014). The Connection between Self concept (Actual self Congruence & Ideal Self congruence) on Brand Preferences. International Journal of Management Excellence (ISSN: 2292-1648), 3(1), 308–319.