The Effect of Bi-dimensionality of the Congruity on Consumer Responses


  • Rim Meziou
  • Fatma Besbes



TV sponsorship, Congruence, relevant, Expected


This study attempts to provide a better understanding of the functioning of television sponsorship and to determine the effect of the bi-dimensionality of congruity between a sponsor brand and a television program on consumer responses.

We used structural equation modeling to validate the theoretical model.

The final survey show that the relevant side of the association of a pair (TV program/brand) has a positive effect on brand equity, brand image and attitude towards the brand but the expected side of the association between a program and a sponsor does not influence consumers’ responses in terms of brand equity, brand image and attitude towards the brand.

Our research equally showed that relevance is necessary for the consumer to make sense of the association between the brand and the TV program.

The contribution of this research at the managerial level consists in providing supporting arguments for television sponsorship.

Author Biographies

Rim Meziou

Assistant Professor, Faculty of Economic Science and Management of Mahdia

Member of URAM

Fatma Besbes

Assistant Professor, Higher Institute of Management of Tunis 


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How to Cite

Meziou, R., & Besbes, F. (2014). The Effect of Bi-dimensionality of the Congruity on Consumer Responses. International Journal of Management Excellence (ISSN: 2292-1648), 3(1), 281–287.