Evaluating the Reading Components of B1 Level Textbooks
The case of Connect B1 and Incredible 5
B1 Level, Component, Evaluation, Reading Component, Checklist, InterviewsAbstract
This study aims at evaluating two popular B1 level textbooks which are currently used both in Foreign Language Centers in Greece and in private tuition, namely Connect B1 and Incredible 5. They are evaluated with reference to the reading component based on criteria set in a preconstructed checklist and through interviews. Fifty respondents-teachers working both in the private sector and in the public sector completed the checklist. Eight interviews were also conducted. The evaluation aims at finding to what extent the reading component of the two books meets the criteria of the checklist, as well as to identify the strengths and weaknesses of the reading texts and tasks of the particular books in order to offer suggestions for improvement and, thus, to offer maximum gains both for students and teachers. This paper rounds off with the limitations of the research and proposals for further research.
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