International Journal of Research in Business and Technology (ISSN:2291-2118) <p><strong>International Journal of Research in Business and Technology</strong> (IJRBT) is an electronically published, double blind peer review journal aiming at providing an authentic forum for researchers. For pursuing research it is necessary to review earlier works and try to separate the better quality sources from the poorly designed studies. We publish original works that strictly adheres to the guidelines for evaluating quality. IJRBT is indexed with <strong>Thomson Reuters Researcher ID, J-Gate, Google Scholar, Eyesource,CiteSeer, World Cat, Open archives initiative, Citefactor, Open Library, Cornell University Library, University of Washington Library &amp; many other renowned indexes worldover</strong>. IJRBT is a Renowned worldwide publication, Open Access, Blind Peer reviewed, Internationally reputed journal managed by Editorial board from USA, Canada, Australia, UK, Singapore, Indonesia, South Africa, Newzealand &amp; India. </p> <h4 aria-level="4" data-ux="ContentCardHeading" data-aid="ABOUT_HEADLINE_RENDERED0" data-typography="HeadingDelta">Why IJRBT?</h4> <p><strong>IJRBT</strong> is a world-renowned Journal and has been listed in <strong>top indexes.</strong> The articles submitted in this journal would mean that authors will get a <strong>global platform</strong> to showcase their research contribution. There is an <strong>elite group</strong> of editors,authors,researchers and academicians who subcribe to IJRBT world-over. The impact factor of IJME is <strong>1.101</strong> (2012-2020) which makes IJRBT as one of the very few management journals which has impact factor above 1.00 mark. The Journal is also <strong>subscribed by top university</strong> libraries around the world.</p> <p><strong>Submissions Invited for Volume 12, No. 2 February 2021 Issue:</strong></p> <p>Submissions will close soon for upcoming issue, <strong>Volume 12, No. 2 </strong> February 2021. If the authors submit their articles after the close of submissions, the article will be considered for next issue automatically. Authors can email their work at <strong><a href=""></a> </strong>or they can upload their work directly on Website.</p> <p> </p> en-US (Editor IJRBT) (Technical Support) Wed, 12 Oct 2022 00:00:00 +0000 OJS 60 Perceived Risks and Consumer Buying Behavior on Street Food around Negros Oriental State University, Dumaguete City <p><em>Street food or ready-to-eat food is the easiest and cheapest foods that are mostly available to students around Schools or University. Since eating right is a fundamental human right, including and most notably of the students, the constitutional privilege should not take for granted by food providers. This descriptive research used a survey questionnaire to gathered data from the students of Negros Oriental State University, Dumaguete City. 1, 382 respondents answered the survey questionnaire from the eight (8) different colleges in NORSU. They were chosen as respondents through systematic random sampling. Descriptive statistics were used to describe the basic features of the data in a study. Weighted mean and standard deviation was also used to simple summaries about the sample and the measures. Regression analysis was used to conduct the multivariate analysis to test the conceptual framework of the study. The result shows that the respondents neither agree nor disagree on perceived risk on street food and consumer buying behavior. This study also shows the relationship between street food's perceived risk and consumer buying behavior is significant. It means that there is a significant relationship that exists between street foods' perceived risk and consumer buying behavior. The results of the regression analysis between predictors of consumers' buying behavior show that food handling practices such as personal hygiene, food preparation, and food storage shows significant effects of perceived risk on consumers’ buying behavior. </em></p> <p><strong>&nbsp;</strong></p> <p><strong>Keywords: </strong><em>perceived risks, consumer buying behavior, street food, descriptive study, </em><em>regression analysis, NORSU, Dumaguete City</em></p> Ryan Tayco, Glennen Zamora, Millard Vaughn Tubog Copyright (c) 2021 International Journal of Research in Business and Technology (ISSN:2291-2118) Sat, 24 Apr 2021 00:00:00 +0000 Self-Efficacy of Hotel Industry Personnel to Disaster in Dumaguete City, Philippines <p><em>Self-efficacy in terms of a person’s belief in his capability to come up with courses of action which when implemented will result in the attainment of desired outcomes. This study tries to explore the self-efficacy of hotel personnel to disaster in Dumaguete City, Philippines using a descriptive survey. A total of 167 respondents answered the survey questionnaire; 27 respondents are the top management and 140 are rank and file personnel, they were chosen through systematic random sampling. The result shows that the respondents had no emergency management experience but apparently, there is an existence of an emergency management plan in their organization. It reveals that most of the respondent’s self-efficacy belief in their preparedness for a disaster is very satisfactory. The respondents have confidence in their capabilities to act on their preparedness before, during, and after the disaster. That is, those respondents who have a higher level of self-efficacy are more likely to prepare for disasters and believe that they will respond effectively in a disaster situation. </em></p> <p> </p> <p><strong>Keywords: </strong>descriptive study, self-efficacy, disaster, hotel industry, Dumaguete City</p> Ryan Tayco Copyright (c) 2021 International Journal of Research in Business and Technology (ISSN:2291-2118) Sat, 24 Apr 2021 00:00:00 +0000 Competency Mapping - An Instrument for Enhancing Excellence among Financial Sector Employees <p><em>Financial organizations require executives with updated skills and a modern understanding. They must assess the competencies of their employees through mapping and implement plans to enhance these capabilities, positioning the organization for success. They should identify and cultivate a pool of internal talent based on their competencies to tackle new business ventures and establish a career path leading to senior management roles. Competency mapping is now a critical factor in the survival of financial companies. Competency evaluations aid in aligning staff experience, skills, and talents with employee retention, recruitment, performance management, training and development, and reward management. The analysis of these skills allows for their systematic integration and efficient use by employees in fulfilling their responsibilities. A commitment to excellence enables employees to achieve their desired success.</em></p> Kanwal Gurleen Singh Khehra Copyright (c) 2022 International Journal of Research in Business and Technology (ISSN:2291-2118) Wed, 02 Feb 2022 00:00:00 +0000