Financial Management of Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) Kredit Usaha Rakyat (KUR) Micro Recipients


  • Ebenezer Nickson Neequaye Hohai Business School, Hohai University No 8 Fochengxi Road Nanjing China
  • Huang Dechun Hohai Business School, Hohai University No 8 Fochengxi Road Nanjing China
  • Puput Ichwatus Sholihah Public Administration School Hohai University No 8 Fochengxi Road Nanjing China
  • Stella Fynn Hohai Business School, Hohai University No 8 Fochengxi Road Nanjing China



Finance Management, Indonesia, SMEs, Credit Micro


Business capital problem should be considered for SMEs. Kredit Usaha Rakyat (KUR) is one solution to business capital problem faced by SMEs in Indonesia. This study aims to determine the implementation of financial management by comparing the application on the receivers KUR micro have good credit repayment history and KUR recipients who have a history of credit payments are classified into the list of collectability on customers of Bank Mandiri Malang. This study used qualitative research methods, as for the type used a case study observation which the emphasis was on the ability of researchers to use observation techniques in research activities.


