Work Environment Pressure on Employees In Present Industry Scenario


  • Dr. Venkatesh. J Associate Professor, Department of Management Studies, Anna University, Regional Centre Coimbatore – 641047, Tamil Nadu, India
  • Dhibiya P.



stress, employees, dissatisfaction, work environment, counseling


The present study aimed to find out the work environment stress and mental health among employees. The basic reasons by which employees getting stress in their day to day life duty to make reciprocation with customer and complete the goal within the time, threat of intensity; make the  employees stressful and depressed. It is one of the most health problems reported by employees. Work-related stress can be caused by various occurrences. Suppose a person might feel under pressure if they demands for their responsibilities are greater than they can comfortably manage. The financial costs of occupational stress to organizations and industries are well known. It has been valued that at least half of all absences from work are stress related. As well as fragility and sickness absence, work-related stress has also been associated with reduced levels of job satisfaction, motivation and responsibility, increased employee turnover, diminished job performance and creativity, and a range of counter productive workplace attitudes and behaviors’ such as dishonest, lack of respect and intrusion. Stress in the workplace as increased importance in recent times the world over. Companies and employers should recognize work-related stress as a major health and safety issue.


